Our School » School Wide Positive Behavior

School Wide Positive Behavior

Every Monday at West Creek Hills, we read this motto together as a school during the morning announcements.
It helps us remember how to support one another and be the best we can be every day!
WCH Monday Motto
At West Creek Hills, we utilize the practices of Caring School Communities. 
The core belief of Caring School Communities promotes positive behavior through direct teaching of responsibility, empathy, and cooperation, creating settings where students feel heard, known, and cared for. Students become intrinsically motivated to contribute productively to a community they feel invested in, and where they know they matter.

The 7 guiding principles of Caring School Communities are:
  • A focus on the whole school community: Community must include everyone: students, parents, school leaders, teachers, custodians, cafeteria staff, yard supervisors, and support staff.
  • Relationships matter: Relationships underpin teaching, learning, and prosocial development. Building relationships and fostering a sense of community are hallmarks of the program.
  • Comprehensive leadership guidance: The program includes everything a leader needs for a successful implementation, including step-by-step guidance and resources to help plan for, launch, and support implementation.
  • A unique stance on discipline: No more gold stars. A focus on community, not compliance. Caring School Community builds on the powerful insight that when students have strong relationships within their community, they are more likely to acquire self-discipline and feel a sense of responsibility to themselves and to others.
  • A year’s worth of teacher-friendly, easy-to-implement, grade-specific instruction: A full 30 weeks of daily, grade-specific lessons across K–8 that only require 30 minutes a day, with a comprehensive scope and sequence to build relationships, social skills, and competencies intentionally over time.
  • Creating calm, orderly learning environments: Through consistent use of effective classroom management practices and structures that build relationships, the program helps teachers create calm, safe classrooms that are more conducive to learning.
  • Addressing inequitable discipline practices: Our approach to discipline assumes that all children want to and can behave well at school and are capable of learning and changing their behavior. The program encourages teachers to treat students with respect at all times and to treat misbehavior as mistakes akin to those students make with academic work, not as signs of moral or character flaws. In response to misbehavior, Caring School Discipline guides teachers to focus on what students can do to restore relationships and repair any damage they have caused as well as what they might do differently in the future, rather than making students feel guilty or ashamed.
Every student at West Creek Hills will take part in daily classroom meetings. The purposes of these meetings are:
  • To set a tone of respect and engaged learning
  • To create the power of a positive community
  • To model and practice social and emotional skills
  • To merge social, emotional, and academic learning
At West Creek Hills, we have a School Wide Positive Behavior Support Plan. We teach our students to follow our Can Do expectations:
Can DO Kids at WCH
Students at West Creek Hills can use the H.A.L.L.S. acronym to help them remember how to make a calm transition as they are walking through the hallways of West Creek Hills:
We want all West Creek Hills students to understand that in order to learn as much as they possibly can while they are in school; they must follow their teacher’s directions and complete all of their class assignments and homework. Students who always do their job are demonstrating the trait of responsibility.
At West Creek Hills, we use nice words and honesty when we speak to each other.
Use T.H.I.N.K to help you decide if you are making a good choice about the words you are about to say:
N-Nice Words and Honesty

Is it true? In this video, West Creek Hills Student Council members act out a good example of making sure your words are true:
Is it helpful? In this video, West Creek Hills Student Council members act out a good example of making sure your words are helpful to others:
Is it inspiring? In this video, West Creek Hills Student Council members act out a good example of making sure your words are inspiring to others:
Is it necessary? In this video, West Creek Hills Student Council members act out a good example of making sure your words are necessary before you say them:
Is it kind? In this video, West Creek Hills Student Council members act out a good example of making sure your words are kind before you say them:
D-Demonstrate Respect for People and Property
D-Demonstrate Respect for People and Property
CAN DO Kids keep their objects, hands and feet to themselves.
CAN DO Kids practice SELF-CONTROL.
Self-control is stopping yourself from doing something that might hurt others.
Self-control is keeping your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Everyone feels angry sometimes. It is OK to feel angry. It is not OK to act out your anger.
When you feel angry, remember to STOP. Take a deep breath.
Now, THINK about what you should do.
  • Can you talk out your anger? Remember to be honest and specific.
  • Can you walk away?
  • Can you turn your anger energy into something positive?

Character Education

In addition to our CAN DO expectations, we also have a set of social-emotional and academic competencies that we teach and practice each month here at West Creek Hills.
At the beginning of each month, students come by grade level to hear a presentation from Mrs. Durham about the monthly character competency. Throughout the month, students will learn more about that competency from their teacher and will set goals for themselves in demonstrating that competency.
Our monthly comptencies are:
Growth Mindset
Academic Behaviors
Students may be nominated by a teacher for doing an outstanding job of demonstrating one or more competency. These students will receive a “Super Student Certificate”.
Click here for more information on each competency.